Creating a programming language is a dream for many programmers. In this video I go over how you can create a simple programming language and in interpreter for that language so you can run programs written in your own programming language. This will help you get started creating and understanding how make your own (more complex) programming language. Make sure to let me know in the comments if you want to see this language being expanded. For the ability to do things such as assign variable or call functions. Making the compiler: Code: Disclaimer: The language (Our Little Language (.oll)) is by far not a complete language, and the interpreter only expects perfectly written code. Don't use this for production purposes, and only use it for the educational purpose of learning about creating and interpreting programming languages. The Instruction in Our Little Language (.oll) are: PUSH POP ADD SUB PRINT READ JUMP.EQ.0 JUMP.GT.0 _____________ program1.oll: _____________ READ READ SUB JUMP.EQ.0 L1 PRINT "not equal" HALT L1: PRINT "equal" HALT _____________ _____________ program2.oll: _____________ READ JUMP.EQ.0 L1 LOOP: PUSH 2 SUB JUMP.EQ.0 L1 JUMP.GT.0 LOOP PRINT "odd" HALT L1: PRINT "even" HALT _____________ - Music - Link: - Time Codes - 0:00 - Intro 0:04 - What is an interpreter 0:37 - Stack based languages 1:31 - Our Language Instructions 2:58 - Example .oll programs 4:16 - Writing two .oll programs 4:26 - Creating interpreter - parsing 6:40 - Creating interpreter - stack 7:28 - Creating interpreter - execution 9:22 - Running our programming language 10:10 - Outro - Hashtags - #programming #coding #interpreter #programminglanguage #python #compiler - Search Terms - making a programming language making my own programming language programming language interpreter write a program computer program python tutorial for beginners